AQUATOURS ALMERIA AVENTURAS SUBMARINAS  is an Active Tourism company constituted and registered in the Junta de Andalucía (our regional government) under the number AT/AL/0043.

We are a PADI 5 STAR ID DIVE RESORT nº 21621, a diving RESORT with the International 5 Star category. We are also a training school for recreational diving professionals (PADI) at all levels, from Divemaster (guide) to IDC Staff (Assistant Instructor Trainer).

As a Diving Resort, we offer both Scuba Diving and Snorkeling services. We also provide nautical excursions in semi-rigid boats with naturalist guides on board and shark-diving programs at the aquarium of Roquetas de Mar.

We are also a PADI Ecocenter, a Greenfins Dive Center (UN, United Nations-Reef Word Foundation), a Cousteau Divers Center on the REMORA project (one of the 50 dive centers around the world)and a Centinel Biodiversity Observatory from the International Platform SEAWATCHERS.



 AQUATOURS ALMERIA has received several awards and recognitions for the quality of its services, its environmental responsibility, and its innovation.

  • 2023- FIRST PRIZE.  Sun and Blue  Tourism Congress: Best Blue Tourism experience.
  • 2023- 2024 ECODIVECENTER PADI Recognition
  • 2023-2024- GREEN FINS DIVE CENTER Recognition
  • 2015-2023-PADI EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION Recognition
  • 2022, 2019,2016 RECOGNITION: For its commitment to the care of the marine environment- OCEAN CONSERVANCY Foundation
  • 2022-2012 INTERNATIONAL AWARD PADI Green Star Award 
  • 2022 a 2012 CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE 5 estrellas Trip Advisor
  •  2019-FIRST PRIZE: Posidonia y el Mar 
  • 2017-FIRST PRIZE Castillo de las Roquetas- FITUR 2017
  • 2015-FIRST PRIZE Innovation in the underwater tourism industry


As a company, we innovate yearly, creating new tourist products such as Scuba Diving PADI distinctive Specialties like Posidonia Diver, Underwater Research Assistant Diver, Marine Citizen Science Diver, or the Boat Trip: Oceanographer for a day. 

We also actively protect the marine environment, carrying out events and actions to conserve the sea, disseminate information, and increase environmental awareness.

We also collaborate with national scientific institutions like ICMAN-CSIC (Instituto de Ciencias del mar Andalucia), POSIMED, REEF LIFE SURVEY-The Bites Lab- CSIC, ICM-CSIC, UNIVERSITY OF ALMERIA, UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA AND UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA, CEIMAR-UAL, CEIMAR-UGR, and the IEO (Spanish Oceanographic Institute)-CSIC. The CSIC is the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas de España ( Spanish National Research Council).

We are a Sentinel Observatory collaborating with 14 scientific projects from the international platform SeaWatchers. We have our own Citizen Science project, taking care of one of the most important species in the Mediterranean, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, and will begin a new one in 2024 to locate as much Pinna rudis (a big mollusca) as we can. If you are a certified diver and want to participate, just let us know.


<center>ABOUT US</center>
Fernando Orri
[PADI Course Director]

He learned to dive at the age of 13 and couldn’t stop. He became an instructor in 1980, graduated in Geography, and moved to Puerto Madryn, a Patagonian coastal town visited annually by whales, dolphins, penguins, orcas, seals, and sea lions.
He worked for some years as an artisanal seafood diver in the cold Patagonian waters. Together with his brother Pinino and his wife Alejandra, they created the current Whales Argentina, a company dedicated to watching Southern Right Whales.

Fernando is one of the first 8 whale-watching captain-guides in Argentina and co-creator of the “Patagonian Whale Watching Technique,” which is recognized worldwide.

In 1992, he became a PADI Instructor, and in 1997, he became the first PADI Course Director and EFR Instructor Trainer. in Argentina. He has been a professional boat skipper for more than 40 years, a professional deep diver, and an instructor and diver trainer in more than 15 diving specialties.

Creator of the PADI Posidonia Diver, PADI Disabled Diver Support, PADI Underwater Research Assistant Diver, and PADI Marine Citizen Science Diver Specialties, and therefore the only instructor trainer worldwide for the diving specialties: Posidonia Diver, Disabled Diver Support, Underwater Research Assistant (level one and level two).
He has guided numerous groups on the coral reefs of the Caribbean, trained over 1000 recreational diving professionals, and assisted scientific groups from different entities such as the Tokyo Zoo, the National Patagonian Centre, and several Universities. He has filmed for documentary groups such as the BBC, National Geographic, and HBO Olé. With more than 33,000 hours of diving, he has had fascinating experiences in the cold Patagonian waters with whales, sea lions, and killer whales, as well as doing professional work in refloating, maintaining port installations, etc.

Other qualifications and certifications:

Geographer and Professor (Universidad del Salvador and Universidad de Almería).
EFRI Instructor Trainer (First Aid Instructor Trainer)
Professional Diver
Professional Boatmaster
President of Acebal (Association of Diving Centres of Almeria)
<center>ABOUT US</center>

Alejandra Perez
[PADI Assistant Instructor]

A diver since 1990, Assistant Instructor, and Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sporst specializing in Swimming, Early Childhood Physical Education, and Baby Swimming. Her other passion is marine life. If you don’t know which fish or “critter” you have seen underwater, Alejandra will help you identify it.

She alternated her activity as a baby swimming teacher with the coordination of Aquatours Argentina and Whales Argentina. She directed environmental education programs for the Punta Cana Foundation in the Dominican Republic, where she developed and applied the NATURA KIDS program and experiences of Environmental Education in the Natural Environment.

Responsible for coordinating with Aquatours’s Environmental Education department, she develops environmental projects and didactic and informative material. She coordinates her own programs, the Nacra Project and the Posidonia Control Station Project. She participates in Citizen Science programs such as Reef Life Survey, Perseus Project, REMORA Project, and PADI AWARE Marine Debris.

She was responsible for the Biodiversity Observatory in Aguadulce, carrying out the Biodiversity Census under the international methodology REEF LIFE SURVEY Spain (The Bites Lab. CSIC: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas).

She is the Coordinator of the Eastern Mediterranean Sentinel Observatory for the ICM-CSIC SeaWatchers platform.

Bachelor in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
3 Specialities: Children’s Physical Education – Swimming – Matroswimming
MASTER in Environmental Education
Environmental Guide in Marine Protected Areas
PADI Assistant Instructor
EFR Instructor (First Aid and CPR Instructor)
Graphic Design and Web Development Course
Community Manager Course

<center>ABOUT US</center>

Joyce Marina Orri
[PADI IDC Staff]

Joyce is a PADI IDC Staff member who is an assistant while teaching candidates to become Instructors. She has 28 years of experience, as she, like her sister, started her first steps in freediving when she was only two months old. She became a Scuba Diving Instructor 2018, a Master Scuba Diver Trainer, and IDC Staff in 2020.

She has been diving all her life, and her first dive with a tank was in the Dominican Republic when she was six years old. She is an excellent diver, elegant in her movements under the sea, and an explorer-like a few others with a great capacity for observation. She has dived in Argentina, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Spain.

Diving with Joyce is synonymous with safety and fun.

  • PADI IDC Staff Instructor
  • Specialty Instructor: Navigation, Deep Diving, Dry Suit, Naturalist, Oxygen Provider, 
  • First Aid and EFR Instructor
  • Social Anthropologist


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